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Migrating to v4

Version 4 of VIntl brings a lot of big and small changes, but overall attempts to maintain the familiar API. We except major changes in API to happen in the next versions.

Here's what changed in this version and how you can migrate:

Moving to VIntl name

Previously this package was distributed under the name @braw/vue-intl-controller, however in v4 its name has been changed to @vintl/vintl, so it is less verbose and shorter.

To continue receiving updates, please re-install the package:

npm rm @braw/vue-intl-controller
npm install @vintl/vintl
npm rm @braw/vue-intl-controller
npm install @vintl/vintl
pnpm rm @braw/vue-intl-controller
pnpm add @vintl/vintl
pnpm rm @braw/vue-intl-controller
pnpm add @vintl/vintl
yarn remove @braw/vue-intl-controller
yarn add @vintl/vintl
yarn remove @braw/vue-intl-controller
yarn add @vintl/vintl

Switch to Vue 3

Vue 2 is now in maintenance mode and will reach its EOL by the end of the year. Since this package was created for Modrinth, which is switching to Nuxt 3 soon (and Vue 3 accordingly), it's not worth the effort to maintain the Vue 2 version anymore.

This package now has been updated to support Vue 3 and it's the only version that will be supported going further.

Removal of @braw/extended-intl

@braw/extended-intl has been deprecated and its dependency was removed, VIntl now does not ship compact number and relative time difference formatting functionality. These are provided via separate packages — @vintl/compact-number and @vintl/how-ago and must be set up manually.

Distribution changes

The package is no longer built to CJS format, since it becomes notoriously hard to support it. We advise to switch to ESM or use a transpiler/bundler that supports ESM to CJS compilation.

Babel is no longer used to transpile usage of newer syntax like nullish coalescing operator or optional chaining. Your bundler should be able to (or probably can be configured to) do this for you.

Changes to type definitions

  • Locale descriptors now use property tag instead of code to properly reflect that those are BCP 47 language tags rather than any codes.

  • Collectable events have their type definition for collect() method stripped, though it still remains there and will cause problems if used.

  • values parameter in translate function is now optional, even though it doesn't always match the reality. Be sure to check the resolved types.

Functional components

Both IntlFormatted and Fragment components were changed to be function components as functional components using options API have been removed in Vue 3. This normally should not affect you, but it is important to outline.


Both useFormatters and useTranslate composables have been deprecated and will be removed in the future major updates.

This is because after upgrading to Vue 3 they serve solely as the functions aliasing properties of useI18n return that can be acquired directly. E.g.:

const formatMessage = useTranslate()
const formats = useFormatters()
const formatMessage = useTranslate()
const formats = useFormatters()

is the same as:

const { formatMessage, formats } = useI18n()
const { formatMessage, formats } = useI18n()


Global component plugin option removed

globalComponent option for the plugin has been removed since it's incompatible with ES modules.

To keep it globally you can manually import it and set as component on your Vue instance:

import { IntlFormatted } from '@vintl/vintl/components'
app.component('IntlFormatted', IntlFormatted)
import { IntlFormatted } from '@vintl/vintl/components'
app.component('IntlFormatted', IntlFormatted)

Fragment can be globally registered as well:

import { Fragment } from '@vintl/vintl/components'
app.component('Fragment', Fragment)
import { Fragment } from '@vintl/vintl/components'
app.component('Fragment', Fragment)

Deprecation of toProperties method of plugin object

toProperties method of the plugin object has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major versions. Instead you can access methods directly on the controller or use Object.defineProperties and getInjections to create properties object:

Object.defineProperties(Object.create(null), plugin.getInjections())
Object.defineProperties(Object.create(null), plugin.getInjections())

Fallback message order

defaultMessageOrder is the new controller option that sets order in which the default message (as fallback) is fetched. By default it uses message descriptor, yielding that message if parser is not removed, or nothing, if message descriptor is not provided, yielding just message ID.

Released under the MIT Licence.